i'm mike

this is a blog about me and the things that i do

Thursday, October 26, 2006

bloody rubbish idiot things!

Right, I must apologise in advance for what will surely turn in to more of a rant than your average blog ramblings.

My powered mixer has decided after several years of faithful service, to go ahead and die. This, under normal circumstances wouldn't be all that terrible, but unfortunately, I have an awful lot of gigs coming up in the next couple of months, which require me to have such equipment. Which means I now have to spend around £750 on a new set-up. This, obviously, is rubbish!

Just as I was planning the next few weeks out. Utilising the only free weekend I have until Christmas to pop up to Liverpool and visit my friend up there, then organising a long overdue lads night out, then going to see Jimmy Carr in London with some mates. All of this requires money, which I no longer have. Add to that, the financial 10 ton Acme anvil which is the purchase Christmas presents, and you can somewhat understand my current malaise.

So, in an effort to claw back some of my dwindling finances, if you or anyone you know would like to purchase a pair of second-hand 300w Carlsboro speakers, please give me a shout. They do show some signs of wear and tear, but I can assure you that they still work fine and have never given me any problems. The sound quality is good and you could pick yourself up a real bargain. The inputs are XLR. Perfect for use with a duo or as part of a band set-up.

I apologise whole-heartedly for turning this into an advert for the sale of my speakers/soul, but I have little choice in the matter.

Friday, October 13, 2006

'tis a singer's life for me

So, this weekend, while the rest of you lucky, lucky people get to be out drinking and having a good time, I will be out gigging Friday and Saturday night. Tonight I'm in Nottingham, which isn't all bad as there is enough money in the gig to pay for us to stay in the hotel we are playing at, which means that as soon as we finish we can start drinking, and have a lovely full english brekkie. Plus, if I use some of my considerable charm on the receptionist, we should even be able to leave our gear in the function room overnight and pack up in the morning. Lovely!

Then Saturday night it's off to near Birmingham, via Bewdley to pick up a MD player I bought from some incompetent on ebay who refuses to post the bloody thing. But hey, as I'm in that neck of the woods-ish, I may as well save myself some spondules and pick it up myself. Then, it's to the nearest pub to watch the footie, then onwards to the gig, then Travel Bin, then home.

Ah, what a glamourous and exotic life one leads when working in the entertainment industry! But hey, I'd still rather be doing this than working in my old office. A bad day singing is still 100 times better than a good day in shipping!